How To Effectively Improve Your Immune System

How To Effectively Improve Your Immune System

In today's time and never-ending to-do lists, we can never compromise with our health. To keep up with this rapidly, we need to stay active and fit and it's exactly where the advice of our ancestors is realized. Today we depend on a lot of artificial wellness supplements whereas our origins keep reminding us of the wonders that Ayurveda can perform if incorporated into our daily routine. Not only as a remedial substance, the constant practice of Ayurveda can help us boost our immune system organically with long-lasting benefits and minimum side effects.

Ayurveda has numerous benefits and has been preached by the greatest sages and philosophers of the past because of its roots; its basic foundation lies in the well-being of the human race.

There are a lot of ways to boost the immune system naturally. Some of them are:

  1. Exercising regularly- Researchers and medical experts have constantly emphasized the need to indulge in some kind of physical activity that not only boosts our immune system but has a positive effect on our mental well-being.
  2. Eat a nutritious diet - Our diet should be balanced with all the essential nutrients, having in it the right amount of carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals
  3. Inclusion of Ayurveda - Ayurvedic supplements catalyze this entire process of immunity-building, making it faster and far more efficient.


The best immunity booster Ayurvedic Medicine

Agnivesh comes with a variety of products to take care of your immunity and has the best immunity booster Ayurvedic medicine. Some of the best-sellers are:-

Agnivesh Chawanprash - With the essential blend of all the right herbs and ingredients,  Agnivesh Chawanprash is the best immunity booster Ayurvedic medicine that helps to keep up with good health, promotes the immune system and increases vitality. Meant for all age groups, it has honey which is rich in antioxidants,  Gur ( jaggery) which has digestive benefits, Gokharu and a lot more to take care of your immune system.

Agnivesh Chandra Prabha Vati - A restorative health supplement, Angivesh Chandra Prabha Vati is a combination of potent ingredients like Chirayata, Guduchi, Devdaru and Haridra that treats your immunity, reduces burning sensation during urination and protects you against UTIs.

Agnivesh Honey - Derived from all-natural sources with zero added sugars and colours, Agnivesh Honey is the magical product to shield you against all viral infections, cough, and flu and keeps your immune system strong.

Immunity Booster Tablets in India 

Agnivesh has got your back in providing you with top-notch immunity. It has a wide range of immunity booster tablets in India that are surely going to help you out in this journey.

While they have an endless list of products, some of the best are:

Agnivesh Naag Bhasma - With Naag Bhasma as the Plumbum (calcined). It has numerous benefits in gaining immunity. It treats digestive issues, and loss of appetite act as a mild expectorant, in neurological ,urination,dibetes,spleen enlargement, leucorrhoea,impotency,rheumatoid arthritis,etc.and skin benefits and aids joint pain.  In short, it helps  on every sphere and hence is an all-rounder.

Agnivesh Gomedd Bhasma - Provide relief from anaemia, and manage Vata and Pitta Doshas whose imbalance can cause anxiety, insomnia, skin inflammation and many other disorders.

Immunity Booster Tonic

Agnivesh has a vast product range of immunity booster tonics that make the entire process of immunity-boosting hassle-free and effective. Some of the renowned are:

Agnivesh Immunaid - Your immune system will love this tonic, trust me! It has a wondrous combination of Babool Gond, Jamboo Berjaya and Tvak that takes care of our internal health, protects us from infections, promotes immunity and strengthens our natural resistance.

Agnivesh Ayush Kwath Kadha - It has a combination of Dalchini, Maricha and Tulsi that has been used since ancestral ages to treat immunity disorders and protect us from viral infections.

Be it tonics or tablets, Agnivesh has got you covered with its exclusive range of immunity boosters that have a holistic effect on your life and health. However, being consistent is very important. We also recommend you consult your medical expert before including them in your diet to unlock its maximum benefits.